A Journey with Alice in Wonderland

I watched the newish Alice in Wonderland last night. Not as creepy as I was lead to believe, alittle hard to understand what they were saying(wish I had subtitles). Interesting storyline,(where did it come from, because it was definitaltly not in the cartoon version). The guy proposing to Alice = really creepy and not at all attractive to my way of thinking. I really enjoy movies where the guy is the hero not the creepy servant bowing to the woman he "loves" or serves might be a better word.

Characters I thought Mia Wasikowska did a fab job playing the older Alice. Johnny Deep was great yet not fab and orange hair is definitly not his greatest color just saying. Ann Hathaway was almost creepy looking with her blonde hair. The girl playing Alice's older sister was really pretty and I wish I knew how to do my hair like that.

I think that I pay way too much attention to detail.

Over all I liked it, I am not in a huge hurry to see it again yet I would watch it. I think the overall story of the movie was alittle too feminist for my liking. One thing that I noticed about it was the "relationship" not sure that is the right word here however I can not think of another one so.... when Alice returns the eyeball to that big whatamaycallit and then that whatamaycallit becomes her "friend" and helps her out. Shows that a good deed is never wasted and though you may not know the result of your kind deed or what may become of it. Your kind deed might have a profound inmpact on their life and maybe even yours. So even though that part of the message might slip by some people ,yet, I am glad that it is there.

So what is the overall message of the story? That we all have a path that we are to follow and the way we follow that path affects other people

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