I'm Sorry
To all of my brothers in Christ:
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for every time one of us girls
has done something that has caused you to stumble.
I'm sorry for every time we've broken one of your hearts.
I'm sorry for every time society blamed you for girls' low self-esteem.
I'm sorry for every time you haven't been able to look at us
because of our immodest clothing.
I'm sorry for all the times you had to cry in pain
because we girls were setting ourselves up as stumbling blocks.
I'm sorry for every time one of us girls
took your authority away and dominated over you.
I'm sorry for confusing you.
I'm sorry for every time we didn't give you a chance to be chivalrous.
I'm sorry we don't try to understand.
I know just one girl among billions saying she's sorry
won't make much of a difference.
But I really am sorry.
We girls don't make it easy for you guys.
Instead of being the encouraging support woman was made to be,
we are your greatest stumbling block.
For you, my Christian brothers, my heart breaks.
Like I said,
I know one apology
won't make much of a difference,
but it needed to be offered.
To any guy
who has struggled, stumbled, or fallen
with the influence of the girls,
I'm sorry.
You don't know how much I am sorry.
In sisterly love,
a Christian sister
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