
"Children tie the feet of the mother." -A Chance to Die One Day I was thinking about life and motherhood. As life is filled with tedious thing or things that you just don't want to do at the moment. For example; there have been many times where I would rather do anything but the dishes, laundry or any other task that is lacking in imagination. Yet, as I am learning this is what God wants me to do and serve my family in this way and as I serve my family, I am learning to serve my future family and husband. Right now I long for adventure not boring chores that anyone can do. Something that furthers the Kingdom of Christ my Savior, that something that means taking the hard road even when its tough and hard to follow something a hero or heroine would do.

Yet I realized that in my own way, I am taking the hard path. Following Christ in a world that mocks Him and His followers is not easy, yet, while this path does have many struggles, the rewards are so much greater. For my citizenship, is not on earth but in heaven with Christ my King. In conclusion, I would like to encourage you with Colossians 3:23 "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters."

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