Gollum vs. Smeagol

For those of you who don't know, I am a HUGE and UNABASHED Lord of the Rings Fan, notice, I said Lord of the Rings (which can be abbreviated as LOTR) not Tolkien Fan. As since I have not read any other of his works excluding the Hobbit and the Children of Hur, which was one of the lamest books I have every read and that is saying alot for me, yet, this is off topic.
So as I am a deep thinker, I was comparing the differences between Gollum and Smeagol. Wait you say, they are the same person. As they are represented by the same person, yet, in reality they are two different people. Each one Gollum and Smeagol are fighting for control over the other. Gollum and Smeagol represent the two sides of the human nature.

As displayed throughout the entire movie, Gollum and Smeagol are as different in who they are as the sun vs. the moon. I find it rather amusing to watch Gollum and Smeagol arguing with themselves for they are the same person, yet, different as well. For as a side note if you every see me carrying on a conversation out loud with no one around it is my own personal Gollum and Smeagol arguing about which side has dominance over me.

Gollum, who is forever bound to the love and hate of the Ring, represents the sinful nature of man forever bound to our own evil desires. Without Christ, we are like Gollum in the since that we are forever bound into slavery from our sin. All though there is no hope for Gollum, there is hope for us. For Christ came to rescue us from our sins.

Smeagol has a different story to tell. Smeagol is trying to serve his master Frodo. Though in the end Gollum overcomes Smeagol and they are destroyed, Smeagol is trying to fight Gollum and become a new person and at one point he wins against Gollum and tells Gollum to leave him alone. Yet, Gollum is not completely destroyed. Bidding his time, Gollum returns to Smeagol after they (Frodo, Sam, and Smeagol) meet Faramir and and takes back the control that he(Gollum) had over Smeagol.

As seen in the conversation below between Gollum and Smeagol:
Gollum: Sméagol... Why does he cry, Sméagol?
Smeagol: Cruel men hurts us. Master tricksed us.
Gollum: Of course he did. I told you he was tricksy. I told you he was false.
Smeagol: Master is our friend... our friend.
Gollum: Master betrayed us.
Smeagol: No, not it's business. Leave us alone.
Gollum: Filthy little hobbites. They stole it from us.
Smeagol: No... No.
Faramir: What did they steal?
Gollum: Myyy PRECIOUSSS.

Although, Gollum wins over Smeagol in the end, Mordor and the evil within Mordor did not win. It is the same for us Christ has won over the grave and the power of Hell can not and will not win against us. Praise the Lord for His grace and forgiveness!

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